Thursday, 9 June 2011

Get your glowing health back by detoxification

Detoxification is an important process of flushing out the accumulated toxins from one’s body. Even though many people skip detoxification due to their busy schedule, it should be followed regularly to maintain a healthy body. Skipping detoxification has its own drawbacks, because most of the diseases in our body start from stomach. If the colon in our digestive system is not cleaned regularly, then it begins to accumulate toxins and release to the blood stream. As the time goes by, these toxins affect the functioning of our organs and can also lead to many other major health problems.

Detoxification helps to remove the accumulated toxins from one’s body and should be done quite periodically, so that the amount of toxins remains under control. Detoxification should be followed depending on one’s health condition. If a person has poor immune system or is afflicted with deadly disease like cancer, then doctors usually do not recommend detoxification.

In a normal situation, human intestine has the presence of natural yeast called Candida. The presence of this yeast is balanced with other micro-organisms in our digestive system. Candida growth should always be under control. But in cases when the colon starts accumulating waste, the presence of healthy friendly bacteria in the digestive system reduces, which in turn proliferates Candida growth. Candida overgrowth results in toxins being released to the blood stream through its roots on the intestine walls. Some of the major symptoms are: lethargy, dizziness, reduction in concentration and learning ability.

Candida overgrowth is usually controlled by following a proper and effective Candida diet. It consists of dietary restriction on anti-fungal supplements which detoxifies the body and restricts the overgrowth of yeast. Candida diet generally restrict food that promote yeast growth like sugar, yeast, dairy products, fruits, fermented products, and processed products. A Candida diet also focuses on promoting healthy friendly bacteria which in turn controls the growth of yeast.

The time frame for Candida diet varies from person to person and also depends on the yeast over growth. One has to keep track of the symptoms which Candida overgrowth causes. By following a strict Candida diet regime, one can bring down those symptoms under control. As the yeast over growth reduces, one can also feel an overall improvement in their health condition. Once the Candida overgrowth is controlled, it may be essential for some time to stay away from yeast related products. It may also be helpful if you go for a balanced diet plan after following a strict Candida diet.

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